Baldez ( バルデス, Barudesu ?): The strongest of the Four Guardians.She has short yellow-orange hair and pinkish skin. She often scolds Uraganos and Circulas when they argue and is more intimidating. Viblis ( ビブリス, Biburisu ?): She is the more serious member of the group.He has a pirate-like mustache, red skin, and a bandanna. He is clumsy and tends to destroy things by accident due to his size and strength. Uraganos ( ウラガノス, Uraganosu ?): He is the large and dim-witted member of the group.He has long blonde hair and blue eyes with white skin. Circulas ( サーキュラス, Sākyurasu ?): He appears to be the leader of the Four Guardians whenever Baldez is not around.When defeated, they turn into little black stars shouting apologies while running away. They infect items or people's shadows to turn them evil. Zakenna ( ザケンナー, Zakennā ?): The physical form of the Dotsuku Zone's power.Lulun can give the Heartiel Brooch to Shiny Luminous. She thinks of Pollun as her older brother and always annoys him. Lulun ( ルルン, Rurun ?): The Princess of Light who can connect with the future.He is also the transformation device for Hikari to transform into Shiny Luminous.

He has mysterious powers that give the girls the Rainbow Bracelets so that they can perform the Rainbow Storm attack. He lives with Nagisa and annoys her and Mepple to a great extent until Hikari takes him in in Max Heart. He is extremely selfish and usually only thinks of himself. Pollun ( ポルン, Porun ?): The Prince of Light who is sent to be with Pretty Cure in the second half of the first season.Unlike Mepple, she is reserved and seems to get along well with her caretaker, but she still cares very much for him. Mipple ( ミップル, Mippuru ?): The Princess of Hope, and also in Honoka's care.He is quite arrogant and constantly argues with his caretaker, but he loves Mipple, and they are often seen having a "lovey-dovey" relationship.

Futari wa pretty cure max heart 1 movie#
Futari wa Pretty Cure Max Heart: The Movie (first movie)įutari wa Pretty Cure Max Heart 2: Yukizora no Tomodachi (second movie)įutari wa Pretty Cure Max Heart Manga (Kamikita Futago) Story